This last year or so has given many of us, I’m sure, time to reflect and consider our futures. Before and after the dreaded CoVid. So many people’s lives have changed, either willingly or not so willingly.
Along with personal changes due to health issues for my husband, moving and several other considerations, I have also spent time reviewing what is and what isn’t working in my business, on my site, as well as my priorities.
People love the ‘Free Stuff’ of course! Who doesn’t? And I will continue to add to those products, to help people build their businesses as well.
However, some time ago a colleague suggested that the site was confusing for some people as not only did it cover PLR products but it also sold printed products that could be found elsewhere (i.e. Amazon and B&N). Whilst I took that on board – as it had only just been set up I thought I would give it a little time to see what percolated down.
In retrospect, my colleague was, of course, right. Sales on Amazon are much easier to set up and I have now taken the decision to take down all printed products from my site. They will all still be available through the links in the menus, but just not directly from the site.
The PLR downloadables will remain.
What’s the Point?
This I am hopeful will give a clearer direction for the site and allow me to grow the ‘Courses’ side I want to add without it all getting too messy. My point here is that I believe we should not be afraid of change, but embrace and even welcome it as it nearly always offers new opportunities and in the end perhaps better clarity.
And talking about courses – a quick heads up that my Affinity Course will be available by July. One lucky winner from those who took the survey will get the course for free! I hope it is going to help a lot of people get their first book published using Affinity.
Busy times ahead!
I’d be interested in your feedback and experiences with this sort of thing, so do let me know.
Wishing you every success

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